Thursday, December 29, 2011

Installing Solution Manager 4.0,

Disp+Work.Exe Stops after System Restart
check listener controls

Check the R3trans -dv

Q installing solution manager 4.0, why error "InitFastLoad fail"

How to get the below details in solution manager system?

1. Choose from the menu “System” “Status…”. Then click the button.
3. Check the software component “ST” and let me know the release and level.
4. Check the software component “ST-SER” and let me know the release and level.

ans the menu path system -> status (arrow) will lead you to the overview of the different components in any ABAP AS based system.

Query-: test message for the SAP go live procedure for my SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 on Windows 64/Oracle.

In service desk => create support message: I can manage to create the message but it doesn't seem to be sent to SAP.
What is the procedure once the message is created to send it to SAP? Cause when I select: "send message to SAP" I have the following error: The system could not find your SAP customer message system user"
SAP Note 1165980 is not applicable as such, but did you maintain the S-Users

maintained the Super Users, I have 4 in the system: SIDADM, DDIC, SAP* and Myuser.

I use the COSADM account to create the message, and in the test message to SAP, the reporter is "myaccount" and the sold-to-party is "sap support".

Q-: trying to perform a client copy form 100 --> 200 with sap_all profile. This copy fails with error:

Database error 8102 at DEL access to table COBRB
> ORA-08102: index key not found, obj# 15818, file 16, block

We've got this error for several indexes; but those indexes EXISTS! (I've checked on db02, se14, )

Also, I've checked at Oracle level with sqllplus, and also exists on database (with the same object_id 15818)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How SAP Table Reorganized | Create Background Job Tivoli or Sap server

How is SAP Table Reorganized ? Should all the table included !
should it be online/offline?

Ans-: You can do table Reorg either online or offline.Please take note that the online reorganization will impact on system performance, therefore you need to run this when the system load is low.

If you are using Oracle, reorg can be done using BRTools or db13 too.Please have a look at SAP Note 646681(for oracle) .Below am giving the method to run this if it is oracle DB;
the procedure to perform reorganization using BR*Tools::
1. Run BRTOOLS. Choose Segement Management or run from
the command prompt brspace –f tbreorg.
2. Enter table name in Table names (table).
3. Choose Reorganize Tables.
4. Set the required option like new destination tablespace or set he parallel thread which will be used to perform reorganization. The more you set the thread, the faster your process will be. But his limited to the CPU specification in OS level.
5. Choose continue to start processing.
6. Check the detail log in s.tbr.

You can perform the following types of reorganization:

* Reorganize tables online and check tables for reorganisation
* Clean up tables after aborted reorganization
* Convert LONG and LONG RAW fields to CLOB or BLOB online
* Stop reorganization (command-line mode only)
* Suspend reorganization (command-line mode only)
* Resume reorganization (command-line mode only)

How void a range of checks and reprint them at the same time. What is the T-code I would use? Is it FCH8?
Ans-: No, FCH8 is used for reverse check payment
You need to check with your FI consultants or ask this message in the SAP-ACCT group.

Q-: ECC 6.0 ABAP server. Enabled user defined CCMS monitoring for file system, job failures, etc,,. But Spool alerts not getting generated in Tivoli.

Ans-: You can use Tcode SM36 to create background job and SM37 to check it on
SAP server.

2-: ans
For Tivoli to alert you on Filesystem, Table space or jobs etc your Tivoli
team will need to configure the tivoli situations on Tivoli. You as a
BASIS administrator will need to assist in the initial installation. You
will be required to run a standard script provided by tivoli which creates
the tablespaces,user assign the requisite roles to the tivoli user in your
SAP database and then import a transport into your instances.
Once done there are certain config details which will be needed to be
provided to the tivoli team by the help of which tivoli will start
monitoring your instance and depending on the situation configured generate
the alert.

assume that Tivoli does read all the open alerts which are reported
in the monitor "rz20 -> Tivoli monitoring -> New Pok sap"

Please first check if this is done for RED and YELLOW alerts and
secondly please check if only spool alerts are missing because as you
can see in the attached screen shot this monitor is reporting alerts
for many other type of monitoring nodes. It is better I think only to
create a monitor for the background job and spool monitoring nodes and
use this monitor for Tivoli.

Q-:How to create background job ? it should be created in Tivoli server or SAP server?
Ans-: You can use Tcode SM36 to create background job and SM37

Friday, December 16, 2011

Dialogue WP cannot be Killed,License for DR test in sap

Dialogue WP cannot be Killed
dp mon , sm50 -> cancel with core , cancel without core , kill from OS with pid.
OS : Linux
user associated with the work process you want to kill (in sm50). If so try sm04 - select the user - user drop down menu - log off user.
get the PID and kill it from OS level .

check the ps -ef |greap PID. is it there

Go to SM50, select the DIA process you want to kill and in menu line select "Administration -> Process -> Restart After Error -> No"
Then kill the PID from OS.
If it works, you can switch the process back to "Restart After Error -> Yes".

When Error License Check problem accur? how to solve this problem it could happen we use temperarily licence key.

Break the mirrored disks and mount them to another AIX Unix server for a DR test
You should get a permanent license key. Then you will not have additional things to remember in a DR situation
yes you can also use the temporarily license key for DR but in future you need permanent

When this type of error occur
Database error -55555 at OPC
> dsql_db6_open: Unable to find initial entry as expected
SAP system with backend DB2, operating system AIX IBM

it just happened in one application server (happens to be the CI), so I performed a buffer reset with "/$SYNC" transaction.

Additionally, it might be worthy to check if the logs always points to the same work processes, in which case is advisable to kill them.

Q-: question regarding BDLS. I did a db refresh last month on a BW system and when I run the BDLS it took nearly 20k seconds to complete the conversion. This is normal. However recently I did a db refresh on the same system, and the bdls only run for 800 seconds. I checked the log slg1 and compare it to the previous month it is the same. So my question is, why the significant time decrease? The only change that I know was it used to be no application server, but now there are additional two. Although I dont think this can solve as bdls run using only one dialog process from the central instance and during the bdls running the application servers were down.
you 100% that you chose the exact same source and destination logical system names?

You know that you have to at least convert ECC and BW logical systems names? so, this means running this twice on your BW system?

Are you sure that you have not forgotten to uncheck option "TEST run"?
Also read for a very godd strategy to make BDLS run much faster.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sap Installation Problems Linux, Windows

How to Turn job active in this situation
background process scheduled in SM36 is in released state and held up there continuously. It's not getting active. Background process is almost empty with only two recursive process occupying the queue.

After finish the schedule it's would be comes automatically in FINISH mode.
sequence of background job:
Scheduled --> released --> Active ---> Finish

AIX 5.2 / SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.70 EE 200 with 6.20 64-bit kernel/Oracle 9i

Device type is - HP LaserJet driver PCL4/PC.
Host spool access method- X:sapcomm.

When we give a print, the printer is printing an extra page at the end.

ans-: Go to the printer setting then networking then on LPD banner page option select disable.

Problem Installing Sap ecc 6.0 sr2 and Oracle on Laptop running Windows 7-64bit Ultimate.
Windows 7-64bit Ultimate is not supported for SAP server install. But your error is related to the Oracle software. The Oracle 10g version is not supported on Windows 7.

Sooo, as David and others stated, you must install this on a Windows server version, such as Windows 2003 or Windows 2008.

Read SAP'S PAM at

Also, read the installation guide at .

If you don't have access to these websites, then, you are not a SAP customer and you must PAY to get this software and these accesses.

Finally, EC 6.0 SR2 is old software, try to install ECC 6.0 EHP5.

Start Instance Service of Instance Leo/DVBE
install (SAP EHP 5.0 +oracle 11.2 ) on Linux 64bit.

I have came to the step -- start instance, then happened with the below error:

An error occurred while processing option Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 > SAP Application Server ABAP > Oracle > Central System > Central System( Last error reported by the step: Instance LEO/DVEBMGS00 reached state SHUTDOWN after having state STARTING. Giving up.).

You can now:
Choose Retry to repeat the current step.
Choose Log Files to get more information about the error.
Stop the option and continue with it later.

Log files are written to /tmp/sapinst_instdir/ERPEhP5/AS-ABAP/ORA/CENTRAL/.
change the host file, where i remark the record * ....", and add one record: IP address hostname...

Then happened with a new error: Could not start instance service of instance Leo/DVBE.

Sol- you can try all these things regarding your problem
My recollection of this stage is that if SAP is running it will skip the start.
So, with SAP started, press retry or skip.
Try to manually start SAP? Do this first, if it starts you can continue the installation. If it fails post the startup logs here.
change /etc/hosts to this:

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# That require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost prcsgisap02