Tuesday, July 31, 2012

High CPU Utilization After Oracle Patchset Upgrade

When upgraded our Oracle DB to, when we started the DB the CPU utilization jas increase to above 90%.
Ans -: Whenever you bounce the database the cache gets rebuilt.
When the buffer is clean it forces physical reads which impacts the performance.
When you say 90% of CPU, do you mean to say that in TOPAS command you were able to see the CPU consumption like this :
Name PID CPU% PgSp Owner
oracle 1111111 90.0 109.2 orasid
2-: The OS is AIX5.3. Currently the CPU has dropped already after we update the stats but prior to that, the rough average CPU utilization is 2% for Oracle processes which in total is 90%++. We are running in IBM Pseries box, Its actually a Portal system DB, so we dont actually expect that it would be really using much resources, our application is in another server (Windows) so its pure DB running on this server. Memory is 15GB, CPU is 1.8x2 2GHz.
3-: If it is AIX or any other UNIX systems what is consuming more CPU in topas or top command ? What box is that ?
what is the configuration - Memory, CPU.
How much memory have you assigned for SGA, PGA and also the memory used by the processes ?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Why Solution Manager is Sending Job Delay Alerts

Q-: Why Solution Manager is Sending Job Delay Alerts
Ans-: You have to check your SAP Solution Manager Monitoring and Alerting configuration.
Probably you use Business Process Monitoring/Job Monitoring? You can adjust the configuration to your needs.
Its may be the problem is: if the job is started by event, it should not alert delays, because it is not periodical.
Or You might use an appropriate job start condition. Not by time, but identifying the job by event? That might limit the available key figures, but it should address the incorrect alerting and notifications.

Unable to connect to saposs through SM59

Q-: problem while connecting to saposs in SM59.
1- SNC is correctly installed.
2- checked validity of certificate, i run command:
from the SAP router directory and with the user that runs the SAP router service)
sapgenpse get_my_name -v -n Issuer
The answer from this command is:
Issuer : CN=SAP router CA, OU=SAP router, O=SAP, C=DE
But i couldn’t able to connect in sm59 in sap . OSS1 Connection is also not working in sap.
Sol-: Note 24177 - OSS1: Message S1452: Connection to Message Server
Q-: We are having EP system installed on SLES 10 SP1 with Oracle Database. Today, We have upgraded our OS from SLES 10 SP1 to SLES 10 SP4.
After Upgradation of SP, we have started the Portal server but not able to open with the browser.
find below the output of starting of application
qacm:epdadm 51> start sap all Checking EPD Database
Sol-: Be aware that you need to switch to the SAP JVM for Java systems. This is mandatory for SAP systems for SAP to provide you any support.
Another point-:
If you have upgraded the JAVA also with SP upgrade. Then first uninstall the new java version and then install the previous version it will work surely.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Oracle 10g Abnormal Program Termination On Windows 2008 R2

Q-: Oracle 10g Abnormal Program Termination On Windows 2008 R2
SAP ECC 6.0 DEV and PROD servers on Windows 2003 with Oracle 10.2 database.
My client purchased windows 2008 R2 with new hardware Itanium processor, i have to migrate windows 2003 OS to Windows 2008.
On new server, I plan to perform system copy.
I installed Windows 2008 R2 on new server and j2sdk. Then I tried to install Oracle 10.2 from Oracle dump -> C:\TEMP\NT\IA64
I am getting error after entering drive letter and SID,
Abnormal program termination. An internal error has occurred. Please provide the following files to Oracle support: " unknown"
Sol-: download the IA64 media? Look for SAP Note 986578 - Oracle support in Itanium 2 systems (Montecito & following), I do not know if this applies to Windows but at least in Linux depending on the architecture you need whether to use IBM JDK (x86_64 or x64) or Sun JDK (IA64).
Another thing-:
Your client's management is seemingly not aware that IA64 is dying off? Are they good to go for another platform switch, 2 years from now?
http://blogs.technet.com/b/windowsserver/archive/2 010/04/02/windows-server-2008-r2-to-phase-out-itanium.aspx.

Oracle 10g Abnormal Program Termination On Windows 2008 R2

Q-: Oracle 10g Abnormal Program Termination On Windows 2008 R2
SAP ECC 6.0 DEV and PROD servers on Windows 2003 with Oracle 10.2 database.
My client purchased windows 2008 R2 with new hardware Itanium processor, i have to migrate windows 2003 OS to Windows 2008.
On new server, I plan to perform system copy.
I installed Windows 2008 R2 on new server and j2sdk. Then I tried to install Oracle 10.2 from Oracle dump -> C:\TEMP\NT\IA64
I am getting error after entering drive letter and SID,
Abnormal program termination. An internal error has occurred. Please provide the following files to Oracle support: " unknown"
Sol-: download the IA64 media? Look for SAP Note 986578 - Oracle support in Itanium 2 systems (Montecito & following), I do not know if this applies to Windows but at least in Linux depending on the architecture you need whether to use IBM JDK (x86_64 or x64) or Sun JDK (IA64).
Another thing-:
Your client's management is seemingly not aware that IA64 is dying off? Are they good to go for another platform switch, 2 years from now?
http://blogs.technet.com/b/windowsserver/archive/2 010/04/02/windows-server-2008-r2-to-phase-out-itanium.aspx.

Error when installing Solman7.1 with AIX+oracle

Q-: Why this error accur when we installing solman7.1 with AIX
New error: sapinst.log
INFO 2012-06-22 23:25:47.614
Execute step fillContextProduct of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0
ERROR 2012-06-22 23:26:01.270
FJS-00003 invalid return (in script NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind, line 200469: return ( NW_Onehost_ind_ind_ind_ind( functionName , isValidator ) ); )
ERROR 2012-06-22 23:26:01.302
FJS-00011 Error compiling script.
ERROR 2012-06-22 23:26:04.190
FCO-00011 The step fillContextProduct with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|fillContextProduct was executed with status ERROR ( Last error reported by the step
: invalid return (in script NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind, line 200469: return ( NW_Onehost_ind_ind_ind_ind( functionName , isValidator ) ); )).
INFO 2012-06-22 23:26:04.968
Creating file /oracle/sapinst_instdir/SOLMAN71SR1/SYSTEM/ORA/CENT RAL/AS/__instana_tmp.xml.
Sol-: You have to set the recommended OS kernel parameter (check your OS procedure) also set java environment parameters and test with java -version command if java is working under the user used to install oracle...basic prerequisite for OS administration part.
If you done these steps-:
temporarily shifted sapinst_dir under the oracle as default directory tmp got full. I ran pre-requisite checker and got two error as follow but I assumed its not relevant to this particular issue.
1. Environment variable (CPIC_MAX_CONV) =condition not met <
2. JAVA_HOME = Could not check <
You have need to remember this step when using java that what version and use parameter accordingly
you use the right java, in this case is JDK 1.4.2 downloaded from IBM, as far as I know. Also need to read the OS related notes as asep818 said in order to set the correct kernel parameters.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Solman7.1, AIX 6.1, Oracle 11g Installation

I'm working on Solman7.1, AIX 6.1, Oracle 11g installation, Upon adding parameters in Default profile, I activated it. (I checked the Consistency in Profiles) When try to restart the system, it comes with Database needs to be started first. Then I looked into the Default Profile, its shows the logs and doesn't hold any parameters.. (all are commented out).
Need your thoughts on this. Sample of the default profile as follows: #Created during Solman install -Vj 08062012 #parameter created by: RZP60K 06/08/2012 15:04:30 rdisp/gui_auto_logout = 1800 #Created during Solman install -Vj 08062012 #parameter created by: RZP60K 06/08/2012 14:56:16 rdisp/buffermode = sendoff,exeauto #Created during Solman install -Vj 08062012 #parameter created by: RZP60K 06/08/2012 11:51:16 #parameter deactivated by: RZP60K 06/08/2012 12:03:42

Incorrect time zone In Sap System

System was set in a incorrect time zone. How can I change it back?
Use T-code STZAC.
How can we delete the entries from DBTABLOG using RSTBPDEL report, it is not delete any records, even i tried we Dialog mode and background mode also. But it is not deleting any record from dbtablog table.
1. Check you have the right authority to delete the records 2. Make sure you have the variant specifications correct as regards date fields, try using a dynamic variant by date or specify a specific table.
3. Try RSTBCOUNT to check the content and discover which tables contribute the highest change logs
Query-: I want to do the settings in SR13 as per the language I have logged in: eg: If I have logged in through Eng language, online manual should open with eng If I have logged in through dutch language, online manual should open with dutch. Current settings are for Eng lang, I tried to maintain setting for dutch language. But its giving me following error :
E:H2:718 WIN32 How can it be done?
Ans-: just add an entry in SR13, but put the Lagnauge Field to DE and adapt the URL/link accordingly. Q-: Why this error accur
Cannot find PDL type for output device '(Printer name)'
Ans-: Its depend on Host Access type? 'F' or 'G' if you are using G then change it with F or if using F then change it with G
Q-: We are using SAP ECC6 with EHP 4 with SAP GUI 7.2. we have a strange problem with many users (Not All).
Session of few users auto logout after few minutes if remain idle. However this is not happening with many other users. We have checked with our basis and network team and they have not set any auto logout policy. This is happening with only few users and most of the users remain logged in even after being idle for hours. We are on windows 7.
Ans-: Asking different affected users, is the length of the 'idle time' consistent before the disconnect message (i.e. always 5 minutes) or does it vary (sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes,
2-: check logs in work directory
If you want to find ping or tracert to IP address of sap server. If there is a loss in packet it will show you RTO.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Abap BI 7.0 with the EP 7.3,IDES SAP ERP 6 EH5 for Windows / Oracle

Abap BI 7.0 with the EP 7.3, It will be compatible for the web bex scenario?

Please refer the below SAP if Data Access gave some components or cross system functionality can't work then you should
upgrade the releavant systems

1388258 - Version Interoperability within the SAP Business Suite
1468349 - SAP Business Suite 7 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 hub systems

With the below link, we can say that BI 7.0 and EP 7.3 will be incompatible for the web bex scenario

Q upgrade EHP5, can i upgrade EHP5 without EHP4 ??

Ans-:Yes, you can upgrade an existing ERP system to EHP5 directly without EHP4.
More details can be found in master guide and upgrade guide of EHP5 in marketplace.

Q-: Why NWBC 3.0 PL10 or 3.5: Security Warning
I just installed in my pc NWBC 3.0 PL10 and in another PC NWBC 3.5.
When I log on in the system ECC6 Release 702 SP07, I have a popup with the title:
Security Warning.
SAP NWBC has identified a potential security concern.
This location is not explicitly marked as safe:
As a result navigation is blocked. If you think it is necessary that the location is marked as safe, please contact your local administrator.
(For details, see chapter '7.8 Whitelist' in the documentation).

But, I do not found any doc with the point 7.8 Whitelist present.
This Location is not explicitly marked as safe/whitlisted:
see http://goo.gl/uIrZb

For further info refer Note 1378659 - NWBC 3.0: known issues & what to check when opening a ticket

Q when we downloaded IDES SAP ERP 6 EH5 for Windows / Oracle. When I launched sapinst.exe why we didn't find SAP Application Server ABAP and sub tree Oracle Central System.
it may be, your DVD is wrong.
I have download the same DVD number and launched sapinst.exe, here I found SAP Application Server ABAP and dialogue Instance

So, please, download an other DVD:

Software Download -->IInstallations and Upgrades -->nstaSearch for Installations and Upgrades
give the DVD number and download it

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Can EhP4 to EhP5 be Cnsidered an Upgrade

Can EhP4 to EhP5 be Cnsidered an Upgrade?

If you only apply EhP5 without any support packages, it's not considered an upgrade. The EhP5 pack does not touch any of the existing objects in your system, it will only add new functionality. However, it's highly recommended (and often mandatory) to include the latest support package stack whilst applying EhP5, and when you apply support package stacks, you must always perform a full regression test in your system.
Another concept-:SAP's marketing strategy is to say that Enhancement package Stacks is not an upgrade, but in reality it is the same amount of work as an upgrade.
You really need to use the Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer to extract the full Stack packages and apply to the DEV system then you project team need to perform full Regression Testing.
Q why exception 'CX_RSR_X_MESSAGE' was raised
Since exceptions represent error situations and this error was not
adequately responded to, the running ABAP program 'SAPLRRMS' has to be
Q when I'm trying to use the SNC Web UI, the Internet Explorer is unable to display the page.
ans-: This looks like it is the log of an installation; is that correct ? Either way, I would look at:

* the system prerequisites,
* the amount of SWAP space (or paging file on Windows),
* and the Java parameters.

it's the log of an installation.

(1)system info:
PC : IBM xSystem 3650 M3 ( 2 Intel cpu *4 Core /16G/500G )
SAP:NW 7.3

(2)SWAP sapce: 32G

(3)Java parameters:
JDK: SAPJVM( along with NW7.3 ) or IBMJava2-AMD64-142-SDK-1.4.2-13.11.x86_64

Q Why DB13 Failed with BR0252E Function fopen() failed
error-: Job started
Step 001 started (program RSDBAJOB, variant &xxxxxxxxxxxx, user ID xxxxxxxx )
No application server found on database host - rsh/Gateway will be used
Execute logical command BRCONNECT On host xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Parameters: -u / -jid CHECK20120116050000 -c -f check
BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.00 (52)
BR0477I Oracle pfile /oracle/xxx/102_64/dbs/initxxx.ora created from spfile /oracle/xxx/102_64/dbs/spfilexxx.ora
BR0805I Start of BRCONNECT processing: xxxxxxxxxxxxx.chk 2012-02-13 05.00.46
BR0252E Function fopen() failed for '/oracle/xxx/sapcheck/cesadsaasy.chk' at location main-11
BR0253E errno 13: Permission denied
BR0121E Processing of log file /oracle/xxx/sapcheck/casdacacsy.chk failed
BR0806I End of BRCONNECT processing: cehwmmpy.chk2012-02-13 05.00.48
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2012-02-13 05.00.48
BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors
External program terminated with exit code 3
BRCONNECT returned error status E
Job finishedv

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Latest version of SAP BI and PI Systems,Kernal Upgrade in Dual Stack

Q-:What are latest version of SAP BI and PI systems
can I install BI system using the dump 'ehp1 for NW 7.3'?
can I install PI system using the dump 'ehp1 for NW 7.3'?

Ans-: you use the same DVDs for BI and PI on NW 7.3 EhP1. SAPinst will give you a list of available options to install and PI is one of them. This is new for NW 7.3. With NW 7.0 and 7.1, there was a separate DVD kit for PI
As per my understanding, It is
BI- EhP1 for NW 7.3
PI - PI 7.3

How to start SAP Installation master in AIX. I have moved to current directory and ./sapinst. But it's giving following error.

iaextract.c :440: error opening archive file /oracle/ZIM/IM_AIX_PPC64/ ./sapinst

Ans-:There are three cases what you try to solve this problem
1-:Have you uncar the Installation master DVD
2-: Check permission and ownership of the directory. Make sure that directory has execute permission.
3-:uploaded zip file to server and unzipped it on machine and started sapinst.

Q-:Kernel upgrade on Dual Stack system, do we need to perform it using JSPM or 'usual' kernel upgrade process will suffice?

and if it is from JSPM then why we require to do it using JSPM, any specific reason behind it?

Ans-: You can perform the kernel upgrade using JSPM or using the standard file copy method.

No difference
Do this through JSPM as this takes care of shutting down both stacks.

Q-: Transaction MB51 runs for a long time on mkfb table
ans-: Check your indices on MKPF.

If possible rebuilt them. In our case suddenly MB51 start to
underperform... very badly, from 15 min to 2 hours.
Our basis rebuilt the indices (don't know if all of them or one in
particular) and that made the difference.
BTW, we just have a year and 2 months of data so the reconstruction of
indices did the job in our case.

However be aware that if your data is large, index reconstruction might not
solve your problem int that case check SAP Notes 1598760, 1550000, 1516684,
that in short, pass create some fields of MKPF to MSEG so there is no need
for a join between these two tables by only using MSEG.
That is harder to implement but is seems to the way to go if really have
lots of data.

Q-:tcode st02 shows red entry for SWAP PROGRAM, SWAP SCREEN & SWAP GENERIC KEY.

Important measurement is the HitRatio. If the HitRatio is greater than 96% you do not really have a problem
Look for the memory related parameters post the values for

Friday, February 10, 2012

Solution Manager Sap

Solution manager is best tool for monitoring the complete sap system and all activities
Is it possible to do system copy between 2 different SID'S?
Yes, that's pretty much what's done in 99,9% of the copies.
Just follow the system copy guide. It's located at http://service.sap.com/instguides

In the implementation of WebChannel can put it on the same server as CRM or ECC? What are the impacts?
What monitoring tool for big landscape containing all types of systems

Solution Manager is best tool for all monitoring and You can also check SAP's End-user Experience Monitoring (EEM) to complement Solution Manager.

Q-:During this Runtime error Assertion_Failed why?

The ASSERT condition was violated.
Error analysis
The following checkpoint group was used: "No checkpoint group specified"

If in the ASSERT statement the addition FIELDS was used, you can find
the content of the first 8 specified fields in the following overview:
" (not used) "
" (not used) "
" (not used) "
" (not used) "
" (not used) "
" (not used) "
" (not used) "
" (not used) "
ow to correct the error
Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.

If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following

"CL_FP_WB_HELPER===============CP" or "CL_FP_WB_HELPER===============CM013"

If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error
notification to SAP, include the following information:

1. The description of the current problem (short dump)

To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File

2. Corresponding system log

Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.
Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes
after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File

3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP
program: The source code of the program
In the editor, choose "Utilities->More

4. Details about the conditions under which the error occurred or which
actions and input led to the error.

It's not allowed to attach any files in this forum, so you'll have to paste the relevant lines from the logs into your message.so this error accured

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

ECC 6.0. Installation System

Why this error accur while we install the ecc 6.0 on windows xp proffessional 64bit

ERROR 2012-01-23 00:43:43
CJS-30149 ABAP processes of instance ER1/DVEBMGS00 [ABAP: UNKNOWN] did not start after 10:00 minutes. Giving up.

ERROR 2012-01-23 00:43:43
FCO-00011 The step start with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|i nd|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CI_Instance|ind|ind|ind|ind|11 |0|NW_CI_Instance_Start|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|start was executed with status ERROR .

ERROR 2012-01-22 03:19:11
MUT-03025 Caught ESyException in Modulecall: ESAPinstException: error text undefined.
ERROR 2012-01-22 03:19:11
FSL-00001 System call failed. Error 87 (The parameter is incorrect. ) in execution of system call 'GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint' with parameter (L:\), line (276) in file (synxcfsmnt.cpp).

ERROR 2012-01-22 03:19:11
FCO-00011 The step getMounts with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|i nd|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_GetSidNoProfiles|ind|ind|ind|i nd|2|0|NW_getMounts|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|getMounts was executed with status ERROR .

sol-: If you using mount points in Windows XP 64-bit ? Suggest you remove ":\" from the name of disk name of the mount points.

other condition-: If you are installing ABAP+JAVA wait till the instance starts then click Retry, faced this error before and fixed by this way.

3-:USB connected hard disk is not supported.
4-:Need license for the ECC6 installation on your notebook
Windows XP is NOT a supported OS for SAP installations.

Working on a project which has a 4 different production systems sitting on 4 different release levels of SAP i.e. ECC5, 4.6C, 4.7 and ECC6.

A financial statement version was created on the development system of 4.6c and would need to be applied to the other 3 remaining systems. Is it possible to apply/import the same transport or will the FSV need to be configured in each dev system of the 3 remaining?

Ans-: You cannot apply Transport Request that was generated on different version.
2-: Need to be developed in each version

Q-: Email configuration
case 1-: it is possible to receive in our SAP message queue (in SOST) a warning/alert message, when, for instance, we send a message from a SAP to an email address which it has the mailbox full... it is possible to receive an information with a “mailbox full” message?
case2-: It´s possible, somehow, to configure an automatic reprocessing of all messages that failed, for instance, I send a message from a SAP system to an email address but for some reason it fails, is there any way to sent again this message automatically in SOST?

Ans-:It's been years since I was looking at connections between SAP and MS-Exchange and email send errors.
Which SAP version? Is it MS-Exchange as the SMTP server or something else? If something else, is that ESMTP compliant?
case 1 solution
In SCOT, use menu option: "Settings" > "Confirmation of Receipt". It's a fairly self-explanatory screen.
Search SAP documentation for "DSN" (delivery status notification), that's the industry standard term for this functionality. The more popular definition of DSN is data source name (a logical DB identifier), that's not the one you want.
case 2 solution
Question for the OP: Have you looked at all the send failures (for 1 day as an example) and assessed how many of those would benefit from being resent, as is? What I remember is, almost all email send failures I checked occurred because of a malformed target email address (I've checked 1000s of email/fax send failures in SOST, back in the day). Resending the same malformed item again & again is not going to resolve anything, even if you had an ABAPer code a program that would resubmit failures for you. I'm sure an ABAPer could create such a program, but I'm not aware of any standard functionality that would do the same automatically (of course, you can resend failures manually from within SOST).

Friday, January 20, 2012

Online Sap Training

Here you can browse list of companies and institutes who offers sap training and provides sap services to various companies. They provide the sap erp software to companies. These companies offers the course of financial (fico), hr and payroll, sales distribution module training, production planning, material management module training,business warehouse, sap crm software training.you can contact with any of these companies regarding course in sap erp or fees details about these comapanies.
Sapphire Consulting Limited
G Block, Sahakanagara, Bangalore 560092
+91 (0) 9343331617 / (0) 9035416837.
mail: queries@sapphireconsulting.co.in

Miracle Infocom
Miracle Infocom
#37/10, Lekkad House(3rd Floor)
Cunningham Road
Landmark:Opp to Fortis Hospital

IT Solutions India.
I.T. Solutions India Private Limited
D-88/5, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I,
New Delhi -110020. India
Phone : +91-11-47695000

H. R. : hrd@itsipl.com
Technical Support : techsupport@itsipl.com
Sales : sales@itsipl.com

Chandigarh : itsolutions-chd@itsipl.com
Jaipur : itsolutions-jai@itsipl.com

IIHT Bangalore
For all inquiries you may contact our Telephone Support:

International (English):

+49 (69) 797 6660

Germany (German):

+49 (800) 225 53 36

Mo. – Fr. 8:00 – 17:00 (CET)

Texas Techologies:
Vare House
Aprax Consulting
Cranium Information Technology.
Nirvana Infocom
Artech Systems:
Zupiter Technologies
Marven Consultancy
iBorderless india (p) Ltd
Pratian Techologies
Kauf Solutions India Private Limited
Net Business Solutionsv

Friday, January 6, 2012

Trusting RFC, RFC Authorization Error

RFC Authorization Error
runner to run Winshuttle.why we get error - "user had no RFC authorization" - authorization problem data not found.
You SAP user inside your RFC connection is missing S_RFC and similar security profiles.

Ans-: If you have mixed upper/lowercase characters in your password, please check out sap note 1023437 - ABAP syst: Downwardly incompatible passwords (since NW2004s)
Mostly when we submit the password which is wrong it displays the message such like that
actually rfc authorization is When a remote call of a function module is made, an automatic authorization check is performed, provided that the profile parameter auth/rfc_authority_check is set to 1. The authorization check uses the authorization object S_RFC to check whether the user defined in the destination has RFC authorization for the function group of the called function module.

Why dump CALL_FUNCTION_SIGNON_REJECTED in our production system at regular interval (every 30 mins). This dump is generated only from all of the application servers, but not from the central instance. SAPSYS user is generating this dump.

An external system, is trying to login into your PRD system every 30 minutes. Check your other system to find failed jobs (SM37) or short dumps (ST22).
CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR shows when there is some issue on REMOTE server. Try to check the logs on that remote server where you want to execute this function.

You can also search for a function/program name on internet.
Another way
Note 171805 - Determining RFC client when sign-on problems occur
Note 313971 - Monitoring: RFC error messages for SAPSYS users


The RFC using to connect to your system can have the wrong password or problem with the user id.
it may be issue-:
This is due to authorisation issues . This seems to be issues in RFC connections. Check all your connections

Have offline backup of db. but need to restore it , so that we can restore to my previous state. how it can be done
Ans-: we can do it by using BRTOOLS (OR) BRRESTORE.
If you have brtools 7.00 and above then have a look at note 1003028 which talks about enhanced database copy in brtools.
Using brrecover is a good option
you can recover using the commance brrecover -c force -t complete -b last (This will do a complete recovery )
or do a point of time recovery using
brrecover -c force -t dbpit -b last -seq last
This will not only restore but also recover your database.

Another way to solve the problem
Just restore datafiles from the backup like sapdata1 to sapdata1 ,sapdata2
to sapdata2 ,sapdata3 to sapdata3 ,sapdata4 to sapdata4 and so on.

As it is offline backup so it does not requires redologs.

What is Trusting RFC.After setting trust connection between ECC & SolMan one TRUSTING_SYSTEM@ rfc is generated by system automatically in system both side.

What is use of it and does it effect trust connection if it is deleted?
Solman is reading/writing data from other systems through this RFC
etc monitoring, transport management, key distributions, project management, ... whatever you use solman for

If this rfc is not working properly then the solman functions will not work either.

Will the Trace File be Lost if the System is Restarted? will you loose the trace file, or can you see?

ans-:In SAP the st11 dev trace files are created anew for every system
restart...dev_w0 dev_w1 etc.. in /usr/sap/SID/DV*/work directory.
SAP only keeps one .old version.
If you want to keep more, rename it something other than .old.