Tuesday, July 31, 2012

High CPU Utilization After Oracle Patchset Upgrade

When upgraded our Oracle DB to, when we started the DB the CPU utilization jas increase to above 90%.
Ans -: Whenever you bounce the database the cache gets rebuilt.
When the buffer is clean it forces physical reads which impacts the performance.
When you say 90% of CPU, do you mean to say that in TOPAS command you were able to see the CPU consumption like this :
Name PID CPU% PgSp Owner
oracle 1111111 90.0 109.2 orasid
2-: The OS is AIX5.3. Currently the CPU has dropped already after we update the stats but prior to that, the rough average CPU utilization is 2% for Oracle processes which in total is 90%++. We are running in IBM Pseries box, Its actually a Portal system DB, so we dont actually expect that it would be really using much resources, our application is in another server (Windows) so its pure DB running on this server. Memory is 15GB, CPU is 1.8x2 2GHz.
3-: If it is AIX or any other UNIX systems what is consuming more CPU in topas or top command ? What box is that ?
what is the configuration - Memory, CPU.
How much memory have you assigned for SGA, PGA and also the memory used by the processes ?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Why Solution Manager is Sending Job Delay Alerts

Q-: Why Solution Manager is Sending Job Delay Alerts
Ans-: You have to check your SAP Solution Manager Monitoring and Alerting configuration.
Probably you use Business Process Monitoring/Job Monitoring? You can adjust the configuration to your needs.
Its may be the problem is: if the job is started by event, it should not alert delays, because it is not periodical.
Or You might use an appropriate job start condition. Not by time, but identifying the job by event? That might limit the available key figures, but it should address the incorrect alerting and notifications.

Unable to connect to saposs through SM59

Q-: problem while connecting to saposs in SM59.
1- SNC is correctly installed.
2- checked validity of certificate, i run command:
from the SAP router directory and with the user that runs the SAP router service)
sapgenpse get_my_name -v -n Issuer
The answer from this command is:
Issuer : CN=SAP router CA, OU=SAP router, O=SAP, C=DE
But i couldn’t able to connect in sm59 in sap . OSS1 Connection is also not working in sap.
Sol-: Note 24177 - OSS1: Message S1452: Connection to Message Server
Q-: We are having EP system installed on SLES 10 SP1 with Oracle Database. Today, We have upgraded our OS from SLES 10 SP1 to SLES 10 SP4.
After Upgradation of SP, we have started the Portal server but not able to open with the browser.
find below the output of starting of application
qacm:epdadm 51> start sap all Checking EPD Database
Sol-: Be aware that you need to switch to the SAP JVM for Java systems. This is mandatory for SAP systems for SAP to provide you any support.
Another point-:
If you have upgraded the JAVA also with SP upgrade. Then first uninstall the new java version and then install the previous version it will work surely.