Thursday, December 29, 2011

Installing Solution Manager 4.0,

Disp+Work.Exe Stops after System Restart
check listener controls

Check the R3trans -dv

Q installing solution manager 4.0, why error "InitFastLoad fail"

How to get the below details in solution manager system?

1. Choose from the menu “System” “Status…”. Then click the button.
3. Check the software component “ST” and let me know the release and level.
4. Check the software component “ST-SER” and let me know the release and level.

ans the menu path system -> status (arrow) will lead you to the overview of the different components in any ABAP AS based system.

Query-: test message for the SAP go live procedure for my SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 on Windows 64/Oracle.

In service desk => create support message: I can manage to create the message but it doesn't seem to be sent to SAP.
What is the procedure once the message is created to send it to SAP? Cause when I select: "send message to SAP" I have the following error: The system could not find your SAP customer message system user"
SAP Note 1165980 is not applicable as such, but did you maintain the S-Users

maintained the Super Users, I have 4 in the system: SIDADM, DDIC, SAP* and Myuser.

I use the COSADM account to create the message, and in the test message to SAP, the reporter is "myaccount" and the sold-to-party is "sap support".

Q-: trying to perform a client copy form 100 --> 200 with sap_all profile. This copy fails with error:

Database error 8102 at DEL access to table COBRB
> ORA-08102: index key not found, obj# 15818, file 16, block

We've got this error for several indexes; but those indexes EXISTS! (I've checked on db02, se14, )

Also, I've checked at Oracle level with sqllplus, and also exists on database (with the same object_id 15818)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How SAP Table Reorganized | Create Background Job Tivoli or Sap server

How is SAP Table Reorganized ? Should all the table included !
should it be online/offline?

Ans-: You can do table Reorg either online or offline.Please take note that the online reorganization will impact on system performance, therefore you need to run this when the system load is low.

If you are using Oracle, reorg can be done using BRTools or db13 too.Please have a look at SAP Note 646681(for oracle) .Below am giving the method to run this if it is oracle DB;
the procedure to perform reorganization using BR*Tools::
1. Run BRTOOLS. Choose Segement Management or run from
the command prompt brspace –f tbreorg.
2. Enter table name in Table names (table).
3. Choose Reorganize Tables.
4. Set the required option like new destination tablespace or set he parallel thread which will be used to perform reorganization. The more you set the thread, the faster your process will be. But his limited to the CPU specification in OS level.
5. Choose continue to start processing.
6. Check the detail log in s.tbr.

You can perform the following types of reorganization:

* Reorganize tables online and check tables for reorganisation
* Clean up tables after aborted reorganization
* Convert LONG and LONG RAW fields to CLOB or BLOB online
* Stop reorganization (command-line mode only)
* Suspend reorganization (command-line mode only)
* Resume reorganization (command-line mode only)

How void a range of checks and reprint them at the same time. What is the T-code I would use? Is it FCH8?
Ans-: No, FCH8 is used for reverse check payment
You need to check with your FI consultants or ask this message in the SAP-ACCT group.

Q-: ECC 6.0 ABAP server. Enabled user defined CCMS monitoring for file system, job failures, etc,,. But Spool alerts not getting generated in Tivoli.

Ans-: You can use Tcode SM36 to create background job and SM37 to check it on
SAP server.

2-: ans
For Tivoli to alert you on Filesystem, Table space or jobs etc your Tivoli
team will need to configure the tivoli situations on Tivoli. You as a
BASIS administrator will need to assist in the initial installation. You
will be required to run a standard script provided by tivoli which creates
the tablespaces,user assign the requisite roles to the tivoli user in your
SAP database and then import a transport into your instances.
Once done there are certain config details which will be needed to be
provided to the tivoli team by the help of which tivoli will start
monitoring your instance and depending on the situation configured generate
the alert.

assume that Tivoli does read all the open alerts which are reported
in the monitor "rz20 -> Tivoli monitoring -> New Pok sap"

Please first check if this is done for RED and YELLOW alerts and
secondly please check if only spool alerts are missing because as you
can see in the attached screen shot this monitor is reporting alerts
for many other type of monitoring nodes. It is better I think only to
create a monitor for the background job and spool monitoring nodes and
use this monitor for Tivoli.

Q-:How to create background job ? it should be created in Tivoli server or SAP server?
Ans-: You can use Tcode SM36 to create background job and SM37

Friday, December 16, 2011

Dialogue WP cannot be Killed,License for DR test in sap

Dialogue WP cannot be Killed
dp mon , sm50 -> cancel with core , cancel without core , kill from OS with pid.
OS : Linux
user associated with the work process you want to kill (in sm50). If so try sm04 - select the user - user drop down menu - log off user.
get the PID and kill it from OS level .

check the ps -ef |greap PID. is it there

Go to SM50, select the DIA process you want to kill and in menu line select "Administration -> Process -> Restart After Error -> No"
Then kill the PID from OS.
If it works, you can switch the process back to "Restart After Error -> Yes".

When Error License Check problem accur? how to solve this problem it could happen we use temperarily licence key.

Break the mirrored disks and mount them to another AIX Unix server for a DR test
You should get a permanent license key. Then you will not have additional things to remember in a DR situation
yes you can also use the temporarily license key for DR but in future you need permanent

When this type of error occur
Database error -55555 at OPC
> dsql_db6_open: Unable to find initial entry as expected
SAP system with backend DB2, operating system AIX IBM

it just happened in one application server (happens to be the CI), so I performed a buffer reset with "/$SYNC" transaction.

Additionally, it might be worthy to check if the logs always points to the same work processes, in which case is advisable to kill them.

Q-: question regarding BDLS. I did a db refresh last month on a BW system and when I run the BDLS it took nearly 20k seconds to complete the conversion. This is normal. However recently I did a db refresh on the same system, and the bdls only run for 800 seconds. I checked the log slg1 and compare it to the previous month it is the same. So my question is, why the significant time decrease? The only change that I know was it used to be no application server, but now there are additional two. Although I dont think this can solve as bdls run using only one dialog process from the central instance and during the bdls running the application servers were down.
you 100% that you chose the exact same source and destination logical system names?

You know that you have to at least convert ECC and BW logical systems names? so, this means running this twice on your BW system?

Are you sure that you have not forgotten to uncheck option "TEST run"?
Also read for a very godd strategy to make BDLS run much faster.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sap Installation Problems Linux, Windows

How to Turn job active in this situation
background process scheduled in SM36 is in released state and held up there continuously. It's not getting active. Background process is almost empty with only two recursive process occupying the queue.

After finish the schedule it's would be comes automatically in FINISH mode.
sequence of background job:
Scheduled --> released --> Active ---> Finish

AIX 5.2 / SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.70 EE 200 with 6.20 64-bit kernel/Oracle 9i

Device type is - HP LaserJet driver PCL4/PC.
Host spool access method- X:sapcomm.

When we give a print, the printer is printing an extra page at the end.

ans-: Go to the printer setting then networking then on LPD banner page option select disable.

Problem Installing Sap ecc 6.0 sr2 and Oracle on Laptop running Windows 7-64bit Ultimate.
Windows 7-64bit Ultimate is not supported for SAP server install. But your error is related to the Oracle software. The Oracle 10g version is not supported on Windows 7.

Sooo, as David and others stated, you must install this on a Windows server version, such as Windows 2003 or Windows 2008.

Read SAP'S PAM at

Also, read the installation guide at .

If you don't have access to these websites, then, you are not a SAP customer and you must PAY to get this software and these accesses.

Finally, EC 6.0 SR2 is old software, try to install ECC 6.0 EHP5.

Start Instance Service of Instance Leo/DVBE
install (SAP EHP 5.0 +oracle 11.2 ) on Linux 64bit.

I have came to the step -- start instance, then happened with the below error:

An error occurred while processing option Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 > SAP Application Server ABAP > Oracle > Central System > Central System( Last error reported by the step: Instance LEO/DVEBMGS00 reached state SHUTDOWN after having state STARTING. Giving up.).

You can now:
Choose Retry to repeat the current step.
Choose Log Files to get more information about the error.
Stop the option and continue with it later.

Log files are written to /tmp/sapinst_instdir/ERPEhP5/AS-ABAP/ORA/CENTRAL/.
change the host file, where i remark the record * ....", and add one record: IP address hostname...

Then happened with a new error: Could not start instance service of instance Leo/DVBE.

Sol- you can try all these things regarding your problem
My recollection of this stage is that if SAP is running it will skip the start.
So, with SAP started, press retry or skip.
Try to manually start SAP? Do this first, if it starts you can continue the installation. If it fails post the startup logs here.
change /etc/hosts to this:

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# That require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost prcsgisap02

Saturday, November 26, 2011

SAP Business One without a license key

In production system job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR is failing twice in day with Dump
Otherwise it is finished successfully. Frequency is 1 hour.
Same error in 2 production system (sid )ABC & PQR.
No overlapping jobs.
Errors what occur
In sid - > ABC : at 06:34:00 & 21:34:00
in sid -> PQR : at 06:40:00 & 21:40:00

Job Log :
Job started
Step 001 started (program RSCOLL00, variant , user ID XXX )
Clean_Plan:Cleanup of DB13 Plannings
Clean_Plan:started by *** on server xxxxx
Clean_Plan:Cleaning up jobs of system SID

SAP Notes 1303289 and esp. 1567182 (collection job terminate with short dump?) have been recommended
install the NWBC in the EHP4 server. following steps
1. Downloaded the sap cryptograpic file from service market palce. and uncared the file.
2. copied the files in niintel in the path d:/usr/sap/sys/sid/uc/nt64
3. assigned the system variable secudir
4. in rz10 i have given the parameters( FQDN, icm/server_name_xx, SSO congiration paramerters, snc parameters)
5. i have restarted the system.
Here when i have logged into the sap application system, it is showing login not possible(error in license). But i am able to login with sap*.

So the next step i have done is reverted the system. (Removed the copied file, removed the enviroment variable, removed the parameters in rz10). Now the system is fine.

Can anyone suggest me what the error i have done?

Our system is installed in the vmware server. with windows server 2003 64bit. it is oracle database.
Kindly get the permanent license and if you are able to login only via SAP* means your license is expired

How long after the installation can I continue to use SAP Business One without a license key?
For new installations, the system can be used for a period of 31 days after the first posting without a license key. This 31-day period cannot be extended. After the end of this period, you will no longer be able to access the system. You should request a permanent license key as soon as possible. For more information on the requesting process, see SAP Note 578256.

Which authorization do I need to request a license key for my customer?
If you are an SAP partner and would like to request a license key for one of your customers, you will need an S-user with the authorization "license key request for SAP partner". For further information, see SAP Notes 124703 and 103926.

When do I have to request a new license key for my Business One system?
• If your hardware key has changed
• If the number of users has changed
• If the license expiration date has changed
• If components (add-ons) have changed
• If you upgraded your system from release 6.x to release 2004

How can I request a Business One license key?
Request your license key using SAP Service Marketplace from, choose SAP Solutions for SMB, choose request license key. You can find more information on requesting license keys in SAP Note 578256.

Who should request license keys?
License keys should be requested by the SAP partner. Prerequisite for requesting a license key is a S-user and the authorization for the partner "License key request for SAP partner" for the corresponding installation number. Only in exceptional cases if an end-customer should not have an SAP partner the license key can be requested by the customer itself. For further information, see SAP Notes 124703 and 103926.

What should I do if I have mistakenly requested a license key for a new system instead of a license key for an existing system?
Delete the systems that were requested repeatedly as described in SAP Note 614911. Afterwards you can request the new license key for the existing system using SAP Service Marketplace from, choose SAP Solutions for SMB , choose request license key. You can find more information on requesting a license key in SAP Note 578256.
Source-: ocs/library/uuid/194f5ee0-0301-0010-d693-a097c165527f?QuickLink=index&overridelayout=tr ue#q-1

What should I do if I requested a license key using an incorrect installation number?
The system ordered using the incorrect installation number should be deleted and re-requested using the correct installation number on the SAP Service Marketplace. The deletion process is described in SAP Note 614911.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to install SAP-FICO

Can I remove below message when I logon:

Continue with this logon and any other logon in this system when ending any existing logon to system,unsaved data is lost.

Solution with ECC 5.0 on AIX 5.3. When logon in DEV server with same user once
again it shows three options . These options are as under:-

1. Continue this logon & end any other logon in the system

When ending any existing logons to system, unsaved data is lost.

2. If you continue with this logon without ending any existing logons

system, this will be logged in the system. SAP reserves the right t

view this information.

3. Terminate this logon

But When logon in PRD server with same user once again it shows two
options only. These options are as under:-

1. Continue this logon & end any other logon in the system

When ending any existing logons to system, unsaved data is lost.

2. Terminate this logon

How to install SAP-FICO, but not aware of the latest version of ECC.

install Sap ECC 6.0 with EHP5 ides in your laptop because you have not sufficient harddisk size but
Sap ECC 6.0 with EHP4 ides can install in your laptop. If you want install sap ides.
it takes nearly 300 GB hard disk and 15 hrs.

How do I convert this escape sequence to Hexadecimal; (4B(s1p42.0v0s0b102T? Would anyone be able to convert it

Problem in BPC conection Wizard Issue
Mostly we use default 8000 port number. Do we need to change the default port number? if so how can we specify the port number in BPC Admin Client?

sol-: connect via BPC Admin Client specify the IP address and port number e.g. 192.1XX.1.212:8000

How can decipher the field fausa in table t077d? what the notations meet ( required/ optional etc) and how can I map the "+" to a specific field?

Sol-: use SM31, view V_t077D, click the button customizing, then in the pop-up "continue w/o specifying Project". That will show you the section of the IMG where the settings need to be maintained. Choose "Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable" and go from there.

Monday, October 10, 2011

SAP Netweaver 7.3 installation

Q-: What software we can install with sap netweaver 7.3
Ans -: Using the SAP Netweaver 7.3 installation DVDs we can install the following software:

- Process integration
- Enterprise Portal
- Netweaver Mobile.
- SAP Master Data Management (MDM)

how to check the user login log including date ,userid,terminal?

Run the "last" command to find out all previous logins.

Activate user audit in sm19 and display user audit log in sm20.
In this log you find all things you want related user login.

Configure the Fiscal printer in SAP. Is this configuration the same as the normal printer configuration or is there something different for this?

Problem-: Problem That can you face in your work
Best Method to Create Index For Large Tables
System information: SunOS 5.9; R/3 4.7; Oracle;
Question: What is the best method to create indexes for very large tables?
Such as BSIS, 100 GB.
For example: Create an index named Z09 with fields: MANDT, BUKRS, HKONT

I know the normal answer is to use SE11 (create index, Z09) and then SE14 (build index, Z09). But this is where the problem lies. SE14 will LOCK the table until the index is created. Since the BSIS table is heavily used 24/7 in the system, this is not desirable. With little downtime available (2 hours a week maximum), this process will not work.

In SQL*Plus using the 'create index' command. But once this index is created, how is this index then linked to the table in the SAP database?

My attempt at this process shows:
- SE11 the index is listed and status is Active
- SQL*Plus created index using command of:
create index SAPR3.BSIS______Z09 on SAPR3.BSIS (MANDT, BUKRS, HKONT) nologging tablespace PSAPLARGEI parallel (degree 2) online;
- DB02 the index is listed with correct ownership and locations

But here is the issue:
- SE14 listed the index name, shows status as Active/Saved, BUT states "Does not exist in the database" and the DB Index Name shows as: "Not defined as DB index in the ABAP Dictionary". (Side note: All the Create/Delete/Activate buttons are greyed out). The Storage Parameters button shows no entry for the Z09 index.

Is there a missing step after the index is manually created to make it seen in the SAP system?
Is there a general steps procedure to use if creating index outside of the SAP transaction SE14?
Try to sort it such procedure-:
Two hours is more than enough to create that Z index.

Test this in a non-prod system and you will see that this should take less than 30 minutes.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sap interview practical problems

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Value for PHYS_MEMSIZE ,Create RFC,Tcode in Quality server

Q-:Made a ZSM01 Tcode in quality server
1) SM30
3)Authorization object=S_ADMI_FCD and its Value=TLCK
4)You can use local object
5)Select (radio bott) Transaction classification & SAVE

Q-:Create rfc with user oss_rfc and the paswd is update
Sol-:Use TX OSS1 ->Technical settings -> Save

Q-: What is the value for PHYS_MEMSIZE ?
Ans-: The value of PHYS_MEMSIZE is 10000.

Q-: How to find out who (admin ID) locked a t-code through SM01.
Sol-: Used STAD or STAT
2-:Update table TSTC for the transaction SM01 and field CINFO from A or 2 to 0
or 8.

strengthen our Production XI system by adding one application server (with load balancing) to take care of the additional load. Right now, XI system (Netweaver 7.0, PI 7.0 ) is running on HP-Ux 11.31/Oracle 10g and configured as High Availability.

SAP web dispatcher to balance the load on your Java instances, then map everything to go through this web dispatcher instead of going directly to your Central instance.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

upgrade ECC6.0 EHP1 Ready to ECC6.0 EHP4 | SAP GUI 7.1 to 7.2

Q-: Need to upgrade ECC6.0 EHP1 Ready to ECC6.0 EHP4. Did I use EHPInstaller or SAPUp?

Ans-: Use EHPinstaller tool to upgrade to EHP4.

Query-: Web Gui take more memory then not gui client

Both network allow me, but my question is like a sap router string we use to connect sap server. Like this I want connect and my current string of web gui is:

http://sapdevail:8000/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/test/webg ui_tj?sap-client

Now where I give router string or my static ip.

Solution-: 1- Your router string looks like it is missing something like a /h/dns-name
2-: You can access from another network as long as the network firewall allows SAP traffic.

Q-: Explain what is the look of router id and how can you use the web string
Ans-: /H/

Q-: if you installed WEBSAPGUI 7.10 patch 9 on a Windows 2008 R2 64-bit machine using a IIS 7 web service and strictly followed the manual on how to install it.

After tried to access the Web Console using http:///isapi_sapcnsl.dll. The browser prompts me to download the isapi_sapcnsl.dll file which of course shouldn't.

My users cannot print in SAP after upgrade from SAP GUI 7.1 to 7.2. There is no error.?

You should have a look at method "G" or "C" instead to print

More info about method G at 174f02302cede10000000a1553f7/content.htm

Q-: I have to refresh the QAS with a copy of PRD SAP Enterprise Portal. The O/S is Windows. Can I execute the brrestore in Windows to restore a PRD backup? How can I execute the restore?

sol-: Find the homogeneous system copy guide for your particular version and follow the procedure there. I don't believe that you can perform a restore as this is a Java instance. You will need to export the PRD system by following the procedure in the guide and then perform an installation suing the export .

If your system is a dual stack version then you can use the ABAP portions' backup and restore for the ABAP side only but will still have to do the export of the Java side.

2-: You can refresh a JAVA stack using a backup/restore... but the only supported way is through a SAP export and import. As stated by Al Fournier, the homogeneous system copy guide explains it all.

If you don't care about SAP's support, try to get a document called "An expert guide to successfully managing & executing Java system copy processes" by Sanjeev Gholap from BearingPoint.

sap system has became slow. Now i am getting TIME_OUT error in ST22. The program 'SAPLSETRAN' has exceed MAXIMUM permitted runtime without interruption

How to analysis the issue.

Q-: SAP BI Reports and need to get the URL of them can we use crome browser?

Ans-: no, Chrome is not a supported browser for SAP products, yet.

SAP ECC 5 on MS SQL Database server to SAP ECC 5 on Oracle database server

Moving our SAP ECC 5 on MS SQL Database server to SAP ECC 5 on Oracle database server is good.

Performance-wise, you should get a bout the same throughput.clients want to migration from Oracle to MS-SQL... not the other way around. All new clients I know go with MS-SQL or DB2. I don't see companies going to Oracle for new installations.

in this case, company has good Oracle knowledge. Check how much it will cost your more using ORacle versus training your ORacle team to use Ms-SQL.

Q-:Backup/restore method from PRD to QAS. because our QAS doesn't have new data to test. Current src & trg syst is
source = ECC6 PRD [SP level 19 & kernal level 185] + win2003 sp2 + mssql2005 sp2
target = ECC6 PRD [SP level 19 & kernal level 185] + win2003 sp1 + mssql2005 sp1

what we can for this problem

1-:can i take backup frm src & restore directly to trg OR i have to apply the SP's of win & mssql to trg & then restore? backup of mssql is going to be night backup, so no user would be logged and am gonna take simple recovery mode with full, so two files will get backup; .MDF & .LDF, other than this any other files necessary to restore
3.if restore is success, what is the next step,i mean how to log into ECC6 syst and other steps.
Sol-: Follow the steps in the System copy Guide and in SAP Notes 151603 and maybe you also need 551915.
You should patch the SQL Server before performing the copy.

Another Option-: However if you stop SAP and perform a backup, you have an offline backup.

Do not change the system to simple mode and you can restore the transaction logs to a point-in-time.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Transport Requests Between Different Transport Systems|Sap Router

Query-:We installed the SAP Router and have started it as a NT Service. However when I go to SM59 and test for remote connections, I get an error message: ERPSOLMAN:Route permission denied.ERS to

At my OSS1 Tx when i test for my Lo on i get an error message:
erpsolman:ROUTE PERMISSION DENIED:(ERS TO 194.39./131.34.SAPDP99)

The SAPROUTTAB is not configured correctly.

However you should get the error with Tx OSS1.

Note 169924 - OSS_Connection trouble shooting. Hopefully this should resolve the problem.

Query-:DIR_TRANS must be shared between all system.
and you must give the access right to all {SID}adm user to all content to this dir.
For all the systems that are in one Group you shuld have a single Transport directory so your DIR_TRANS should be pointing to that shared transport directory.

Sol-: You can configure TMS to transfer transport requests between Different transport systems.

Our production systems do not share the Transport Directory. In the import Queue is a green arrow indicating that the data and cofiles need to be copied.

When I am trying to maintain a "zxxx" table through SM30 in Quality I am getting "Client 200 has status 'not modifiable'" and getting the "Message no. TK430"

It's not recommended to make changes on quality, otherwise your systems will no longer lined up. You have to apply changes on DC1 and transport them to QAS and after that to prod.

another solution
Problem can be solved by following snote#301665.
In the live system, set the "Current settings" (CURSETTING) indicator in the OBJH table for the detailed screen of the overhead rates, the V_KONX view. Depending on your release, proceed as follows:

As of Release 4.6
As of Release 4.6, you can set the "Current settings" indicator for the V_KONX view directly. To do this, call transaction SOBJ and select the V_KONX object. Select "Details" (magnifying glass, F2) for the V_KONX object. Select the "Current settings" indicator on the detail screen in the "Derived attributes" group box and save this setting. Transfer this change to the OBJH table in the live system.
Reset the 'Current settings' indicator in a client that is not flagged as live, since the indicator prevents the inclusion of the add-ons in a transfer order (if the corrections from Notes 709504, 733777 and 820955 have been implemented in the system).


one of the Ecc6.0 server has been infected by virus.After removing the viruses,Sap instance is not starting.In mmc it theres error showing:
sapcpe couldnot start
strdbs.cmd could not be started.
Below is the log of sapstart.log

AP-R/3-Startup Program
Starting at 2011/06/07 16:45:51
Startup Profile: "c:\usr\sap\qas\sys\profile\START_DVEBMGS00_ECC6QAS "
Starting Programs
(4748) CreateProcess(\\ECC6QAS\sapmnt\QAS\SYS\exe\nuc\NTI 386\sapcpe.EXE pf=\\ECC6QAS\sapmnt\QAS\SYS\profile\QAS_DVEBMGS00_ ECC6QAS) failed(67). ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME: The network name cannot be found.
(4748) CreateProcess(\\ECC6QAS\sapmnt\QAS\SYS\exe\nuc\NTI 386\strdbs.cmd QAS) failed(67). ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME: The network name cannot be found.
(5476) CreateProcess: C:\usr\sap\QAS\DVEBMGS00\exe\msg_server.EXE pf=\\ECC6QAS\sapmnt\QAS\SYS\profile\QAS_DVEBMGS00_ ECC6QAS
(5160) CreateProcess: C:\usr\sap\QAS\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE pf=\\ECC6QAS\sapmnt\QAS\SYS\profile\QAS_DVEBMGS00_ ECC6QAS
(1580) CreateProcess: C:\usr\sap\QAS\DVEBMGS00\exe\igswd.EXE -mode=profile pf=\\ECC6QAS\sapmnt\QAS\SYS\profile\QAS_DVEBMGS00_ ECC6QAS

sap folder is having share name saploc and i can access through network.Whereas in the errorlog it shows CreateProcess(\\ECC6QAS\sapmnt\QAS\SYS\exe\nuc\NTI 386\sapcpe.EXE .
under exe i have the folder named UC then why its looking for idea.
O.S= WIN2000

you have to restore all passwords (OS and Oracle) with your old defined password.
From the error message i must be the principal reason for this error.

also check if users are locked and check their permissions.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sap Latest Interview Questions and practical problem solutions

Q-:How can we check the relevant developer trace as there will be so many

1. Check the database for logs full
2. Check file systems - available disk space
3. Check relevant developer trace files for clues dev_w#

Q-:If you search for relevant SAP notes the ABAP Short Dump "SAPSQL ARRAY INSERT DUPREC" is also produced with Program bugs.


This error means that a transaction / program was attempting to commit
information to the database that would result in a duplicate entry in a
table with primary key. Depending on when and where you are getting it it
can be caused by some SAP bugs in Physical Inventory Document Clearing,
number ranges being out of synchronization after a client copy etc.

how to unlock client 000?


Set the parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar = 0 (Zero) in the instance profile and restart the system.
when you locked yourself. You can try using DDIC or
sap* with the master password that should give you access to client 000 and
you can unlock the locked user.
Just go to the Profile <\usr\sap\SID\SYS\profile> add parameter
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar and restart sap mmc once, after this you
can login with default password


I'm planning to do the installation for SAP ECC 6.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with Database DB2 9.1.

Do I need to download the DB2 v9.5 or 9.7 from the service market place and start the Installation, which DB2 version is compatible with Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (DB2 9.5 or DB2 9.7).

SPDD transport we got from development will not suit in Quality system as there will be many delta objects. In our Quality system many urgent corrections happened, so we are planning to import SPDD transport manually and then check delta objects and proceed further.

in this case you should by-pass the SPDD and SPAU steps and process them after the Patching is complete.

However as you have imported the request and are getting R/C=8 errors you really need to contact SAP
In case of delta objects as well you can use the procedure mentioned by me
as that will include the SPDD of the development system and then give you
the option during preprocessing phase to do the delta adjustments.

Please open a customer message with SAP support to resolve the issue as you
had already imported the SPDD tr.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sap Related Queries And Problems Which You Face

- Is there any possibility to allow create queries in production environment by using transaction SQ01 when system is non-modifiable

-if you taken client export of production client from scc8 with sap all & and import this on QA client, after successfully import of STMS. when iexecute tcode scc7 "Post-Client Import Methods" and check scc3 after some time it got stuck on following error message . kindly advice what's wrong

- looking for SAP System copy tools instead of manual system copy . what is it?


indeed was simpler to copy the transport files in some temporary location and then remove them from the buffer.

sol- You need to release all the transport requests. Then you can continue applying the support packages.


If you do not need the requests delete the transport Requests from the import buffer of the QAS/PRD systems


I'm not able to install the SAPKH60301 into the system as well. Getting the error "No valid queue for SAP_APPL rel. 603"

Sol-: Use Tx SPAM and view the packages and see what Prerequisite packages are necessary.


After the offline backup weather I can take the incremental backup. For
offline backup I have shutdown the database and copied the datafiles, log
files, temp file and control file and started the target system database.
I have no catalog while taking the backup.Now, I need to take the
incremental backup from the point where i have taken the full online backup.

- weather in increment backup only control files and redolog file are enough too take backup or weather we have to take changed data files also


After offline backup weather I can take incremental backup by RMAN.


If you restore the full offline backup you can restore the subsequent redo log backups only as long as you have not started the database on the Target system.


If you have started the database it is no too late to to apply to apply log backups. You should have restored the database using the offline backup and performed a point-in-time recovery using the redo log backups before starting the database. Once you start the database it it too late to apply additional logs.

Friday, April 22, 2011

User Creation In Sap | Administrator users Logon

Q-:1 why problem in 555 client there is no DDIC user we can able to
login only by SAP* and create the user but why  not able to Copy
End User Roles.

Ans-:Create a user with SAP_ALL profile then you can do from that user

  Note-: link to download ECC 6.0 IDES system.
You can download the software form -> Installations and Upgrades -> A - Z Index -> E -> SAP ERP -> SAP ERP 6.0 -> IDES Version

Query -:  1-In our company rdisp/tm_max_no =3D 200. suppose if the no of user reaches 200 SAP will not allow the other user to enter. In that case how to control the sap user through OS level other than (dpmon) command.
We are in SAP R3 4.7EE
Os: solaris9
Database: oracle 9.2

Ans-: Yes, You can Administer Users logged on to an SAP system using the command
Log on to system as SIDADM
dpmon pf=<Full Path Instance Profile>
then enter m for menu
then enter l for work process admin table long
Then you will see the list as SM50 and from here you can kill a user session or restart work process for the user or stop work process.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sap Regression Testing And Client Copy Logs Questions

Q1. remote client copy from Production to development server successfully But why for 
existing Material document we are not able to view accounting document
and how can done it.
Check the client copy logs and see if there were any errors if any error occur then resolve it and then try again.
Q-:2 In setting the first Sap-Screen visible to user
after logging in his ID.Like if i want user to use TCODE- SE38 after logging
IN,how can i change it. 

Login by user ID. press Shift+F7. mention the TCODE. it will be his
default default TCode like SE38.
Actual regression testing scenarios for kernel upgrade. 
Ecc6.0 system which has SAP HR and our customized developments for our HR application. 
We are applying a Snote and the prerequsite for the applying the snote is a kernel upgrade. As I know we can only do testing or checks for a kernel upgrade. I am not aware of any regression testing steps for a kernel upgrade. Please let me know if we have regression testing scenarios for the same.

The regression testing is the responsibility of the Application team. In the past there have been some issues with Application Transaction codes after a kernel upgrade.
Remember to make a copy of the current kernel before changing the kernel.



Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Change the RFC | Sap Interviews Questions

Q-: How change the RFC's as they are system generated and there is no change option?. 

Ans-: You have need to check the Transport Tool from TMS? STMS->system overview->select the system XXX-->R3System->check->Transport Tool for errors from 000. Also does your user TMSADM have the correct authorizations and for that, does your ID have it? Check the TP logfile, ST22 and SM21 to see if it highlights any errors. 

Q-: How can I test my backup. Whether, I have taken the backup correctly or
not . After checking in DB12. 

0005 is related to your 3rd party backup program. May this be the case?

 You have need to check out  BRBACKUP logs to know more about this error

Q-: When You installed Solution Manager 7.0EHP1.and wanted to do a Kernel upgrade, backed up the Kernel files and performed a Kernel upgrade.why properly stopped the MMC and the services. 

Ans-: Restart your SAP and Database and make sure to stop/ start the service SAP<SID>_<SYSNO> under services as well. 

Q-: TMS is not working, and while testing the RFC's and getting Incorrect Username & Password.


1. plan of resetting the password of user TMSADM in 000 in all systems and update all RFC's in all systems manually.

But there is  you are not able to change the RFC's as they are system generated and there is no change option.
2.change the TMS RFCs in SM59, because they are automatically generated by the system when configuring the transport system.
If you need to change the TMS RFCs, you should do it by doing the changes in the TMS config and distribute the new RFCs. This is done in tcode STMS.

Sap Database And Jdbc Exception Details

Exception Details: Cannot open the connection
at y.getConnectionEx(
at odel.getConnection(
at odel.getTables(
at Control2.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet .java:760)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet .java:853)
at ndlerImpl.runServlet(
at ndlerImpl.handleRequest(
at nalizer.startServlet(
at nalizer.startServlet(
at nalizer.invokeWebContainer(
at nalizer.handle(
at andle(
at r.request(
at sion.ApplicationSessionMessageListener.process(Applica
at ute(
Caused by: Cannot open the connection
at n.(
at nFactory.createManagedConnection(JdbcManagedConnectionFact
at shSet.match(
at nagerImpl.allocateConnection( )
at y.getConnectionEx(
... 19 more
Caused by: Cannot connect to JDBC data source
at ectDB(
at ect(
at n.(
... 23 more
Caused by: Connection reset
at erminate(Unknown Source)
at wn Source)
at relogin(Unknown Source)
at onnectHelper(Unknown Source)
at oginWithoutFailover(Unknown Source)
at onnect(Unknown Source)
at ct(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager .java:559)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager .java:158)
at ectDB( 

Read more about sap servers

Sunday, March 27, 2011

EHP upgrade from NW 700 to EHP2 sp6 level

Why SAP Ehpi broke during phase FREECHK in module PREP_SPACECHECKS / Space checks in check level
Error Message-:Missing file '/usr/sap/BWS/EHPI/abap/exe/rsecssfx

Ans-: Check r u using the correct version of the EhPI tool

 How can  FTP a file from an AL11 directory to an FTP server? 

Ans-: A local FTP server (same  datacentre as the SAP servers) and a remote FTP server (on the internet or placed on some other place)
 but  if it uses the SAPFTP RFC then it's a 'frontend' (ie. desktop) source/target and if it uses SAPFTPA then its from the DIA instance (not the desktop). 

Important Point-: New driver version that allowed to install ODBC connection on W2008. old version  W2003 was, to the new version

 First download from oracle
After installation complete u able to create the ODBC connection using the 32-bit version of the ODBC-admin program from windows (location: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe).
The only issue I have now is that after setting the environment variables TNS_ADMIN and PATH to the new Instant-client and ODBC driver files, the Oracle DB is not starting up because it cannot find the <sid>init.ora file anymore. have to do some digging to fix that (starts up fine when using the SPFILE). 


1. How to check the level on the present QA, then copy it to the new QA

2. Then install it on the new box 

copy the kernel from current QA system.

You will have use the solution manager to download the necessary patch files.

Ehp Upgrade In Sap,Installation Error

Doing EHP upgrade from NW 700 to EHP2 sp6 level ..

SAPehpi broke during phase FREECHK in module PREP_SPACECHECKS / Space checks
Error Message: Missing file '/usr/sap/BWS/EHPI/abap/exe/rsecssfx'

but unfortunately i dont get that file with the kernelgiven by SAP .. 

Are you sure you are using the correct version of the EhPI tool ?

There is a SAP note indicating that this file is not required yet. See SAP note 1561615

If this is correct open a message with SAP 


What Is Problem When We installed SAP BI 7.0 on suse Linux 10 with oracle, installation is finished successfully but when  restart the system,suppose i login as oraSID,
When i stated lisner it is started successfully, next i run the startdb command, i got fallowing ERROR.

Trying to start BIW database ...  

Ans-:  checking required environment variables
ORACLE_HOME is >/oracle/BIW/102_32<

2. Check Initora
checking V2 connect

TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version - Production on 25-MAR-201104:24:25
Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
OK (10 msec)
tnsping: V2 connect to BIW 

Shutdown database
First trying to shutdown the database - May be,
the database is in the nomount or mount state 

starting database

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Mar 25 04:24:31 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. AllRights Reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 457179136bytes
Fixed Size 1261404 bytes
Variable Size 239075492 bytes
Database Buffers 213909504 bytes
Redo Buffers 2932736 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release -Production

Presentation, Application ,Database Servers In SAP R/3

Application Server-: 
The application layer of an R/3 System is made up of the 
Application servers and the message server. Application 
Server is placed between the presentation server and database server. 
Application programs in an R/3 System are run on application servers. 
The application servers communicate with the presentation Components, 
the database using the message server. All the data are stored in a 
Centralized server. This server is called database server. The message 
server is used to communicate between different servers.
Presentation server in sap-:
Presentation server is system with GUI means all the output you can seen 
their and all the input is inserted by the presentation server. it collect 
the requirements from end users and dispatcher dispatch it to the data base 
layer for the response of that, where data base server is the main server 
which consist all the data information and tables, application server  placed 
between both, presentation and Database server and it provides interfacing 
between the database & presentation server. But now a new concept is introduced 
that is netweaver concept, in which a new layer is introduced that is internet 
layer. it consist every server different so it is called R/3 system earlier single
 System consist all the servers that is called R/1.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sap Application Server - Sap Interviews Question

Sap Servers 
R/3 programs run on application servers. They are an important component of the R/3 System. 
There are different components in the appication servers

 work process

An application server contains several work processes,that can run an application. Each work process is linked to a memory area containing the settings of the application being run. The setting contains the current data for the application program. This needs to be available in each dialog step.

Each application server contains a dispatcher. The dispatcher is the attach between the work processes and the users logged onto the application server. Its work is to receive requests for dialog steps from the SAP Graphical user interface(presentation server) and direct them to a free work process.

 Application server contains a gateway. This is the interface for the R/3 communication protocols (RFC, CPI/C). It can communicate with other application servers in the same R/3 System
 The fact that the individual work processes work independently makes them suitable for a multi-procecssor architecuture. The methods used in the dispatcher to distribute tasks to work processes
 you can read more about  dispatcher in next section

Application server Architecture

1.Presentation layer -:
In the presentation layer, the user interface can be developed with java server pages(JSP), or with web dynpro technology. Web Dynpro is used to design user interfaces for Java and ABAP applications. 
2.Business layer -:
Buisness layer is also  known as domain layer.It differentiate the buisness logic from other modules, such as the data access layer and user interface such as presentation layer
3.Connectivity layer-:
The Internet Communication Manager (ICM) dispatch the query to the presentation layes by using the internet protocols. some protocols used such as Http,Smtp,SSL
4. Persistence layer

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sap Interview Questions - ERP

Q-: What is ERP
ERP is a package with the techniques and concepts for the merged management of business as a whole, for effective use of  resources, for better the efficiency of an enterprise. In begining ERP was targeted for manufacturing industry mainly for planning and managing  business such as  production and financial market, human resources,accounts etc. Sap is itself ERP.

Q-: Different types of ERP ?

  1.  SAP, BAAN, JD Edwards, Oracle financial, Siebel, PeopleSoft. mostly companies try to implement the sap in their organization because of number of advantages aver other ERP packages.
Q-: Why do you usually choose to implement SAP? 
Ans- There are number of technical reasons numbers of companies are planning to implement SAP. It’s help organize and command all the data, and functions from main server and provides  highly secure data handling, min data redundancy, max data consistency. so it is adopted by mostly companies such as honda, oil mills, and many more.
Q-:What do you mean by IDES?
Ans - International Demonstration and Education System. Application provided for faster learning and implementation.
Q-: Define SAP R/3?
Ans - A third generation set of highly integrated software modules that performs common business function based on multinational leading practice. it is three tier, includes presentation server, application server, database server seprately.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

what is Sap

SAP, started in 1972 by five IBM employees in Germany, it is the world's largest inter-enterprise software company and the world's fourth-largest  software supplier.
 The original SAP  provide help to  customers with the ability to interact with a common corporate database for a wide range of many companies implement the sap in their organization to manage all their branches.
today the latest SAP applications, built around their latest R/3 system, provide the ability to manage financial, asset, and management, accounting, production operations and materials, personnel, plants, and archived documents. The R/3 system runs on a number of platforms including windows 2000 and uses the  client/server model.
As of January 2007, SAP, a publicly traded company, had over 38,4000 employees in over 50 countries, and more than 36,200 customers around the world. SAP is turning its attention to small- and-medium sized businesses. recently  R/3 version was provided for IBM's as/400 platform.