Thursday, June 23, 2011

SAP ECC 5 on MS SQL Database server to SAP ECC 5 on Oracle database server

Moving our SAP ECC 5 on MS SQL Database server to SAP ECC 5 on Oracle database server is good.

Performance-wise, you should get a bout the same throughput.clients want to migration from Oracle to MS-SQL... not the other way around. All new clients I know go with MS-SQL or DB2. I don't see companies going to Oracle for new installations.

in this case, company has good Oracle knowledge. Check how much it will cost your more using ORacle versus training your ORacle team to use Ms-SQL.

Q-:Backup/restore method from PRD to QAS. because our QAS doesn't have new data to test. Current src & trg syst is
source = ECC6 PRD [SP level 19 & kernal level 185] + win2003 sp2 + mssql2005 sp2
target = ECC6 PRD [SP level 19 & kernal level 185] + win2003 sp1 + mssql2005 sp1

what we can for this problem

1-:can i take backup frm src & restore directly to trg OR i have to apply the SP's of win & mssql to trg & then restore? backup of mssql is going to be night backup, so no user would be logged and am gonna take simple recovery mode with full, so two files will get backup; .MDF & .LDF, other than this any other files necessary to restore
3.if restore is success, what is the next step,i mean how to log into ECC6 syst and other steps.
Sol-: Follow the steps in the System copy Guide and in SAP Notes 151603 and maybe you also need 551915.
You should patch the SQL Server before performing the copy.

Another Option-: However if you stop SAP and perform a backup, you have an offline backup.

Do not change the system to simple mode and you can restore the transaction logs to a point-in-time.

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