Sunday, March 27, 2011

EHP upgrade from NW 700 to EHP2 sp6 level

Why SAP Ehpi broke during phase FREECHK in module PREP_SPACECHECKS / Space checks in check level
Error Message-:Missing file '/usr/sap/BWS/EHPI/abap/exe/rsecssfx

Ans-: Check r u using the correct version of the EhPI tool

 How can  FTP a file from an AL11 directory to an FTP server? 

Ans-: A local FTP server (same  datacentre as the SAP servers) and a remote FTP server (on the internet or placed on some other place)
 but  if it uses the SAPFTP RFC then it's a 'frontend' (ie. desktop) source/target and if it uses SAPFTPA then its from the DIA instance (not the desktop). 

Important Point-: New driver version that allowed to install ODBC connection on W2008. old version  W2003 was, to the new version

 First download from oracle
After installation complete u able to create the ODBC connection using the 32-bit version of the ODBC-admin program from windows (location: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe).
The only issue I have now is that after setting the environment variables TNS_ADMIN and PATH to the new Instant-client and ODBC driver files, the Oracle DB is not starting up because it cannot find the <sid>init.ora file anymore. have to do some digging to fix that (starts up fine when using the SPFILE). 


1. How to check the level on the present QA, then copy it to the new QA

2. Then install it on the new box 

copy the kernel from current QA system.

You will have use the solution manager to download the necessary patch files.

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